Aspirational Reads for KS1

Back when my daughter was in Yr2, I started compiling a list of books that were appropriate for the best readers in her class. Parents didn’t know what books to use and often gave inappropriate books to their children.

Fast forward to now, my son is in Yr2 and I’m hearing the same thing again…

On a recent moderation course I heard of a school asking children to read Esio Trot and Goblet of Fire to ‘prove’ that they were GD readers. Both texts are mentioned in the Goverment’s exemplification materials.

That spurned me on to create this as a guide for parents and teachers.

It needs to be said that these are not accessible for all KS1 children, especially the longer reads. But I would recommend any of the others as aspirational read alouds as they will introduce listeners to some fantastic vocabulary.

I have included ‘links’ and ‘warnings’ for each book. Links have been included for two reasons; to help match books to children’s likes but also to support the ‘making links between books’ strand of Yr2 GD expectations – if they have read another book with similar links they may recognise.

As always, my resources are free to download, but I recommend one of three ways to pay forwards your gratitude;

  1. take the spare change from your pocket and put it into the next charity box you see.
  2. Donate to the Book Trust to ensure a vulnerable child recieves a book this Christmas
  3. Buy a book for my children or class here
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